The Mail Menu America Online has a full-featured electronic mail system that's easy to learn to use, yet powerful. America Online's e-mail was designed to optimize both the online and offline environments to allow you to work most efficiently. COMPOSE MAIL You can compose and address a piece of mail using the same form whether you are online or offline within the America Online application. From the "Compose Mail" form, you'll construct your memo and mailing information. Choose the Address Book to access a personalized list of accounts. If you choose an address from your Book when the pointer (cursor) is in the "To" or "cc" (carbon copy) box, the address will be transferred to that field for you. America Online provides a "blind" carbon copy feature. That means that you can send a copy of a memo to someone without anyone else on the distribution list knowing that individual received the copy. To do this, simply insert parentheses around the name of the secret recipient, as in "(John1). From the "Compose Mail" form, you can also request to receive a "Return Receipt" to notify you when the mail you sent is being read. From here, you also note if you have a file to attach to a mail memo. Simple click the "Attach File" icon; then locate the name of the file you want to send on the standard file list. Finally, choose whether to "Send Now" or "Send Later." If you are online and you opt to send your memo later, you'll be reminded that you have mail waiting to be sent before you sign off. If you are offline and you opt to send your memo later, you're mail will be stored on your disk for later delivery. ADDRESS MEMO If you have a plain text file open (online or off), which you "Opened" or created using the "New" option on the File menu, you can transform the text into a memo format so you can easily address and send it. Selecting the "Address Memo" accomplishes this--then all you have to do is fill out the address portion of the memo. CHECK MAIL YOU'VE SENT This convenient online feature enables you to check on the status of the mail you have sent to someone or to review what you've sent. Check the "Status" box to see who has read it and when. READ NEW MAIL By selecting "Read New Mail" from the Mail section on the menu bar while you're online, a window will appear that presents your new (unread) mail. From this window, you can opt to: read each memo separately, read all, check the status of this incoming mail, or ignore mail. The "ignore" feature treats the memo as though you've read it, but doesn't open it up on the screen for you. It removes the mail from your mailbox, although you can still retrieve it using "Check Mail I've Read." If you ignore it, however, the sender will still receive notification that you've read it if he or she requests the status of that memo. CHECK MAIL YOU'VE READ The America Online host computer keeps mail around for two weeks even after you have read it. You can use this option to review mail that you may have already read or check the status of mail you've read (to see if others on the distribution list have read it too). This feature can only be used when you are online. FLASHMAIL This convenient and easy-to-use set of features allows you to automate the process of sending and receiving mail in two ways: by scheduling unattended mail, or by instructing the program to immediately sign on, retrieve and send all mail waiting, and sign off. (See also Help "Using Flashmail" for more details on Flashmail features.) SEND INSTANT MESSAGE This feature gives you an easy way to send an immediate note to anyone who's online at the same time you are--it appears directly on her screen. For example, you might set up a private area through the "People" menu in People Connection. You name it "stocks" and want to discuss the latest market news with a friend. Simply send her an Instant Message and invite her to your room. From the Instant Message screen, you can also check if she is online and able to receive Instant Messages; to do so, just select "Available." GET INFO Use this to find out more information about another America Online member. FIND SOMEONE If a member is online, this will tell you where he or she may be found. MEMBER DIRECTORY Choose this item to search America Online's directory to: find the real or screen name of another member; to find members with similar interests; or to add or change your own member profile. For more information on how to use these mail features, check the Members' Online Guide located within the free What's New & Online Support department, and the Help for "Using Flashmail."